Tile Roof Repair in Fort Myers, FL

Your home’s roof is its first line of defense against the elements, providing protection and security for you and your family. Among the various types of roofing materials, tile roofs are known for their durability and longevity. However, like any roofing system, tile roofs require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to ensure they continue to perform effectively. Knowing the signs indicating you need a tile roof repair in Fort Myers, FL from Dickson Roofing can help you address issues promptly, preventing more extensive damage and costly repairs. Here are just a few of those signs.

Visible Damage

Tile Roof Repair in Fort Myers, FLOne of the most obvious signs that your tile roof needs repair is visible damage to the tiles. Cracked, chipped, or broken tiles not only compromise the aesthetics of your roof but also leave it vulnerable to leaks and water damage. Regularly inspect your roof for any signs of damage, especially after severe weather events such as storms or high winds.


Water stains on your ceiling or walls indicate that your tile roof is leaking. While some leaks may be small and go unnoticed for a while, addressing them promptly is essential to prevent further damage to your home’s interior structure and belongings. Even minor leaks can lead to mold growth and rot if left unchecked.

Missing Tiles

Missing tiles are another common issue with tile roofs, especially after severe weather conditions. Whether it’s due to wind damage or poor installation, missing tiles create openings where water can infiltrate your roof and cause damage to the underlying structure. If you notice any gaps in your tile roof, it’s crucial to replace the missing tiles as soon as possible to maintain the integrity of your roof.

Sagging Roofline

A sagging roofline is a serious problem that indicates structural damage to your roof. While tile roofs are relatively heavy, they should not sag under normal circumstances. A sagging roofline could indicate underlying issues such as water damage, rot, or inadequate support in the roof structure. Ignoring a sagging roofline can lead to further structural damage and potentially dangerous conditions.

Moss or Algae Growth

While moss or algae growth may not seem significant, it can indicate underlying problems with your tile roof. Moss and algae thrive in damp, shaded areas, which may suggest poor drainage or water accumulation on your roof. In addition, moss and algae can trap moisture against your roof’s surface, accelerating the deterioration of the tiles and underlying materials.

Loose or Damaged Flashing

Flashing seals joints and transitions on your roof, such as around chimneys, vents, and skylights. If the flashing becomes loose, damaged, or corroded, it can compromise the integrity of your roof and lead to leaks. Inspect the flashing regularly and replace damaged or missing sections to prevent water infiltration.

Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters can contribute to water damage on your roof by preventing proper drainage. Leaves, debris, and other materials can accumulate in your gutters over time, causing water to overflow and pool on your roof. Ensure your gutters are clean and free-flowing to prevent water from backing up under your tile roof and damaging the underlying structure.

You can schedule tile roof repair in Fort Myers, FL, by calling Dickson Roofing at (239) 514-1100 or contacting us online.